2017 was an exciting year for Citizen Labs. We grew as an organization, spending a great deal of energy in creating a strong foundation that can deliver on our mission.
We have set bold goals to deliver on our mission.
Citizen Labs works together with our entire community to promote transparency, better understand problems, and support informed decisions.
And to be purposeful in choosing the opportunities that may cross our path. We will welcome:
Partnerships with educational organizations
Open Data Policy Engagement
Partnerships to lead citizen engagement & design thinking
Engage Our Community:
Build partnerships with other organizations.
Actively engage a community partner in at least 50% of 2018 Citizen Lab projects.
Boost active hack-night participation by 25%, with intentional outreach to women and communities of color.
Demonstrate Thought Leadership:
Prototype, deliver, develop, or complete at least 4 Citizen Labs projects.
Support Grand Rapids and other communities to developing a new and improved open data portal.
Develop meaningful relationship with at least one additional community outside the City of Grand Rapids.
Host Workshops (civic tech, open data, open source, design)
Marketing (web, meetings, social, events)
Sustainable Operations:
Evaluate current board composition and add two new board members to broaden board perspectives.
Develop and implement improved onboarding process for new attendees and volunteers.
Increase board engagement to at least 75% of board members donating to the organization and regular attendance at board meetings (quorum achieved).
Raise at least $25,000 in 2018.
Adopt a realistic budget and stick to it.
At our core we believe engaged citizens can improve their communities. We are developers, designers, data geeks, leaders, and idea-makers who volunteer to help local and state governments, and civic organizations.