Good Government & Elections We are working on several projects to promote citizen participation in elections, voter registration, and an accurate census count.
Good Government & Elections We are working on several projects to promote citizen participation in elections, voter registration, and an accurate census count.
Open City Budgets Our Open Budget project promotes a deeper understanding of city budgets, so that citizens, officials, and other stakeholders can engage in more informed dialogue about how their city currently works and how it should in the future.
Open Sourced Nonprofit This project outlines the steps and provides templates for all required forms to become a recognized 501c3 nonprofit based from the state of Michigan.
THANK YOU so much for all of your help as we push to improve our digital city.
The open budget website promotes a deeper understanding of the City budget... for our residents, officials and other stakeholders. I am grateful to the team for assisting us with set-up and maintenance of the site.
We appreciate all of the hard work of the team and look forward to more solutions and opportunities as you engage with the city. We appreciate your having completed the task on time. The timing was excellent!